On Her Majesty's Service:
Royal Honours and Recognition in Canada
Christopher McCreery
Dundurn Press, 2008

Royal recognition in Canada is accorded through a variety of honours and awards. From the Royal Victorian Order and Vice Regal Commendation to the Vice Regal and Commissioner’s recognition badges, all are important marks of honour from the Crown.
The Royal Victorian Order and Medal have been used to honour Canadians who have rendered extraordinary or personal services to the Sovereign since 1896. On Her Majesty’s Service includes a detailed history of the Royal Victorian Chain, Order and Medal as they developed in Canada to the present day.
The Vice Regal and Territorial Commissioner’s Commendation serve as a valuable award which is presented by Lieutenant Governors and Commissioners for important services to a vice regal or territorial commissioners. They are a significant part of those awards bestowed in the provinces and territories.
Royal recognition is also accorded through the Vice Regal and Territorial Commissioners’ recognition badges, which are presented to Lieutenant Governors, Territorial Commissioners and their spouses.
The history and development of these honours and awards are examined in detail along with a section on heraldry. On Her Majesty’s Service includes a complete list of all Canadian recipients of the Royal Victorian Order and Medal, Vice Regal Commendations and Vice Regal recognition badges.